
Suppose we are searching for edible fruit. Let us assume that edible fruit is in fact generally
(a) darker, (b) redder, (c) softer and (d) sweeter. Obviously, darker and redder are visual cues,
softer is tactile, sweeter is gustatory: the environment is scattering its effects. And these cues, the only
ones available, are all imperfect -- they all carry some risk. Not all ripe fruit is red, nor is all red fruit
edible. Sweetness often indicates edibility, but some poisonous fruits are sweet. Some fruit is less edible
when soft, and some soft fruit will be rotten.
-Gordon, I. E. (1997). Theories of Visual Perception.

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Both these papers were handed in at La Trobe University as part of the second year of a Cognitive Science bachelor degree. As usual, the disclaimer is  it.

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On the Notion of an Attentional Blink (PDF)

Non-Intelligent Perception (PDF)


The working pages on Binocular Rivalry.



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